Client Spotlight

Building a Culture of Inclusion



To amplify the impact of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, this client established an employee-driven Global DEI Council to oversee and provide guidance on diversity and inclusion initiatives across the company. The Council began by partnering with The Humphrey Group to conduct focus groups with nearly 50 employees across the enterprise, and 1:1 interviews with key stakeholders to understand their thoughts on the current state of inclusion within the client. A primary finding from these sessions was a strong desire for training that would help cultivate and sustain an inclusive culture.


The client partnered with The Humphrey Group to implement our Enterprise Learning Experience, Inclusive Leadership  for all employees. Through this program, they wanted employees to gain the knowledge and skills needed to create inclusive environments, and leaders to understand their personal responsibility to promote inclusion. Understanding that the level of goal attainment needed varied by leader level, the client and The Humphrey Group implemented a tiered approach to development:

Tier 1: The Humphrey Group Delivered Training - For the 30 senior-most global leaders in the organization, expert facilitators from The Humphrey Group delivered Inclusive Leadership™  training.


Tier 2: The Company Delivered Training – For the mid-to-upper level managers, The Humphrey Group used a train-the-trainer approach to give 15 of the client's internal facilitators the skills and knowledge to deliver Inclusive Leadership™. Through a licensing agreement, these 15 internal facilitators delivered Inclusive Leadership™ training to 1,600 employees around the globe.


Tier 3: Micro-Learning Modules & Debriefs – For the remaining 11,000 non-managers, The Humphrey Group made video-based Inclusive Leadership™  training available in 12 different languages via the client's Learning Management System. Managers were given discussion guides so they could facilitate debrief discussions with their teams.


Over an 18-month timeframe, every employee gained a common language, skills, and knowledge leading to true behavior and culture change. Establishing this strong foundation has enabled our client to implement several additional DEI initiatives:

  • Introduced a quarterly DEI newsletter.
  • Expanded hiring and recruitment methods to increase candidate diversity.
  • Increased focus on diversity in employee retention.
  • Conducted a pay equity analysis to eliminate systemic bias from employee compensation programs.
  • Implemented 15 distinct Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), with more than 2000 employee members participating.

And this is just the beginning. The client and The Humphrey Group’s partnership continues today, building on the strong foundation they’ve established to develop and maintain a culture of inclusion.


Medical Equipment Manufacturing | Global

This client is a global provider of medical technologies designed to improve the health and quality of people’s lives. Headquartered in the United States, they operate in 40 countries with an annual revenue of $2.4 billion and over 15K employees. 


employees trained in Inclusive Leadership™ across the organization.


languages of delivery through the client's Learning Management System platform. 

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