The Inspire Podcast

The Inspire Podcast is hosted by Bart Egnal, CEO of The Humphrey Group, and covers topics related to leadership communication and inclusion.

The Future of Leadership is... Analog? with David Sax

The Future of Leadership is... Analog? with David Sax

Despite the promise of a digital future, staff and leaders are increasingly seeking human connection.

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The Road To Equality Is Paved With Equity - A Conversation With The Humphrey Group in support of IWD 2023

The Road To Equality Is Paved With Equity - A Conversation With The Humphrey Group in support of IWD 2023

The Inspire Podcast is back! Season 5 kicks off with a special episode in support of the 2023 International Women’s Day, whose theme is to #embraceequity. Bart welcomes three members of The Humphrey Group — Marissa Dyck, Angie Park and Claudia Villaran — for a wide-ranging panel discussion. The group tackles why equity is still far off, and what organizations and individuals can do to close the gap by celebrating achievement, raising awareness of discrimination and taking action to drive gender parity. Tune in for insights and practical guidance on how to inspire a more equitable world.

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How To Write Your Leadership Story with Christine Miners and Rick Lash

How To Write Your Leadership Story with Christine Miners and Rick Lash

Crisis or major life changes can shatter the inner stories that give our life meaning; finding a new inner narrative allows us to become our own authors and reconnect to the meaning we all crave

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How Leaders Delegate with Todd Randall

How Leaders Delegate with Todd Randall

In this episode, Bart speaks with serial entrepreneur and business coach Todd Randell about why delegation usually fails and how to be better at this critical skill. Todd begins by sharing why he struggled to delegate in his career and the mistaken assumptions (only you can do it! You'll be fired if others do the work!) that hold us back from delegating effectively. Then he outlines the system he uses to delegate, which starts with building trust, comes with lots of patience, creating an escalation plan and building redundancy. Todd's insights deconstruct the way you can create the next level of leaders.

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How Talking about Culture is the Ultimate Way to Attract and Retain Talent with Craig Taylor

How Talking about Culture is the Ultimate Way to Attract and Retain Talent with Craig Taylor

Bart speaks with Craig Taylor, CEO of Iapetus Holdings, about what it takes to attract and retain employees in this incredibly tight labour market.

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Building the Resilience You Need To Lead In Today's Hybrid World with Dean Becker

Building the Resilience You Need To Lead In Today's Hybrid World with Dean Becker

Bart learns why the unprecedented uncertainty of the past few years has drained and tested leaders like never before, and what they can do to build resilience for the years to come.

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How To Build Trust To Drive High Performance with Marie-Claire Ross

How To Build Trust To Drive High Performance with Marie-Claire Ross

#TheInspirePodcast, #leadershippodcast, #employeeengagement, #leaderswhoinspire, #communicationskills

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The Dress for Success Ambassador Program: Empowering Women To Tell Their Stories with Amy Robichaud and Natasha Irvine

The Dress for Success Ambassador Program: Empowering Women To Tell Their Stories with Amy Robichaud and Natasha Irvine

learn about the impact and mission of Dress for Success Vancouver, and how it goes so far beyond providing women with suits for jobs to build skills, confidence and enabling professional growth.

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Managing Your Energy to Lead Sustainably with Shubhayan Sanatani

Managing Your Energy to Lead Sustainably with Shubhayan Sanatani

The last few years have been draining for leaders as pressures have increased from employees under strain, organizations asking more, and the relentlessness of virtual meetings. Many leaders are burning out and finding their level of energy slipping.

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