Make Sure You're Climbing the Right Mountain with Tony Martignetti
In this episode of The Inspire Podcast Bart speaks with Tony Martignetti, Founder of Inspired Purpose Coaching about why so many leaders reach a career peak only to realize they may have to in fact come down and climb a different mountain. Drawing on his own life experiences where he walked away from a prestigious executive role to reflect on his own journey, Tony shares wisdom he currently uses to coach leaders in many fields. He explains the signs that you may be in crisis, how to know if you're climbing the right mountain, what to do when you come off your first path, and how to start again. In this time of the Great Resignation and career disruption Tony's advice is helpful when you know something isn't working but don't want to jump at the next thing without knowing where you're headed.
00.32. Teaser
00.12 Inspire music/intro
00.49 Welcome Tony
01:33. Introduction
02:25 Early career
02:49 Biotech
03:08 Something missing
03:54 Internal doubts
04:36 Breaking point
05:05 Lost himself in the process
06:05 Rock bottom
08:11 Golden handcuffs -- how to overcome
09:44 Leaving the room -- change the way leaders "show up"
11:01 Crises on the mountain
12:30 What he wanted to do for his clients
13:48 Signs that you might be stuck
15:00 Finding the balance
15:36 We can control our level of excitement towards work
16:33 You may be in the right job, but your perspective might need to change
18:56 Going back in time - time travelling anthropologist
20:50 How Covid has brought this in focus
24:30 Are there people who can't unstick themselves?
26:07 Biggest hurdles to overcome when making career changes
27:04 Don't box yourself in
28:58 Celebrate your own accomplishments and experiences
30:25 3 places to start journey to career fulfillment
30:47 Pause
31:07 What do I want?
31:34 What am I going to do next?
32:07 Book recommendations
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